An agent is a writer's representative to the publishing industry, the public, and other industry outlets. An agent works with writers to ready their manuscript for a best chance at sale, release, and success.
Do I need to pay anything for representation?
No. As followers of the AALA (formerly the AAR) Canon of Ethics, once signed, you will never be asked to pay for editing, contracts, consulting, or any other agency service. The agency will take an industry-standard 15% commission of client sales.
Can I submit if I am a self-published or previously published writer?
You can, but make sure you submit a new finished manuscript that has not been published before. We are looking for both new and existing voices!
Will I hear back after I submit, even if I'm not offered representation?
Yes. Every query will receive some kind of response within 6-8 weeks. Individuals who reach the full manuscript stage will receive a half-page of feedback within 8-12 weeks of manuscript receipt, whether or not they are offered a representation contract.
If signed, how will I contact my agent?
If signed, you will be given the agent’s personal email and telephone number. Keeping in close contact and conversation with signed writers is a priority at Painted Fire.